Somethings...Animation related by Joe Stucky
I never knew you had a blog! Now I finally get to see some of your animation work. :)
Abigail... this is a bad example of my work... just random crap!:) Or maybe it is perfect... since I rarely post.
Hello Joe Stucky,You probably don't know me, but I went to the CCS. Mike Winn told me that you worked for a Canadian studio on Skunk Fu, and I was wondering what steps you had to take to work in Canada. My email is Thanks
Jodi sent you an email :) sorry this is 8 days lategood luck
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I never knew you had a blog!
Now I finally get to see some of your animation work. :)
Abigail... this is a bad example of my work... just random crap!:) Or maybe it is perfect... since I rarely post.
Hello Joe Stucky,
You probably don't know me, but I went to the CCS. Mike Winn told me that you worked for a Canadian studio on Skunk Fu, and I was wondering what steps you had to take to work in Canada. My email is Thanks
Jodi sent you an email :)
sorry this is 8 days late
good luck
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